Starry, Starry Night.

May 1, 2024

May 2, 2024

Indian Ocean, East of Africa

Just after midnight on May 1, we crossed the equator again as we sail south toward Mauritius. This time, no ceremony for crossing the equator as there’s no one aboard who would be considered a pollywog!

The ceremony is a long-standing tradition of initiation, or hazing really, that commemorates a sailor’s first time crossing of the equator. Behind the pomp and frivolity of the event is a lot of history. The seamen who have already crossed the equator are referred to as Shellbacks  (or, Sons Of Neptune) and those who haven’t are called Pollywogs. The Pollywogs are put through some physical tests to be initiated into the “ancient mysteries of the deep”! Some of the tests are very messy and involve kissing dead fish.

It’s already hard to remember the first crossing of this voyage back in January…so many incredible sights and places since and on we go!

The Atlas Bar is one of our favorite hangouts — expert talented bar tenders who concoct the most exotic and delicious cocktails!

What spectacular star gazing — the Southern Cross and the Milky Way in incredible form on a clear night. We’re eagerly awaiting an upcoming meteor shower extravaganza on May 5. we have a very enthusiastic and knowledgable astrology guest speaker who is on hand to point out the bright stars, the planets and constellations. It is truly one of the benefits of being at sea on a moonless night. I had forgotten how much I miss seeing the stars at home in the city! 💫🪐✨


Dodo, dock and dash


Changes in Latitude