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Fascinating PNG

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Madang, Papua New Guinea

Madang has a rich history dating back thousands of years, with evidence of human habitation in the area since ancient times. The region has been inhabited by indigenous communities who have maintained traditional customs and practices. Much of Papua New Guinea was under colonial rule for many years. The town was first visited by Europeans in the 19th century, with German traders establishing a presence in the area. During World War I, Australia took control of Papua New Guinea from Germany.

During World War II, Madang was a strategic location for both Allied and Japanese forces. The town and its surrounding areas saw significant military activity, including air raids, naval battles, and ground operations. Today, remnants of this wartime history exist such as wrecks, bunkers, and memorials.

With over 800 languages and dialects, PNG’s various tribes have unique, vibrant costumes, dances and traditions. There are some handicrafts such as carvings, shell jewelry and bright woven bags.

Kudos to Azamara for arranging an extraordinary Azamazing festival for the entire ship to enjoy all the fantastic tribal dances and costumes! Such a memorable event. Nothing could have prepared us for the sights, sounds and the friendly locals.