Cochin, India

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Monday, April 15, 2024

Cochin came under British control in the late 18th century as part of the British East India Company's territorial expansion in India. The British further developed Cochin's infrastructure, including its port facilities, and promoted trade and commerce. Cochin played a role in India's struggle for independence from British rule and became part of the Indian Union after India gained independence in 1947. Today, Cochin is a thriving city and a major commercial hub in the state of Kerala. It is known for its vibrant culture, diverse cuisine, and scenic beauty and is one of the busiest ports in India.

Some of the colors and sights of our first day in India are incredible and illustrate the contrasts and vibrancy of this country.

Fishing nets were the welcome sign we first saw as we sailed into Cochin harbor.

An AZamazing evening featured traditional dance performances and treats. Azamara really puts on a show for the entire ship — a very special way to get a blast of the local culture.

One of the most unusual tourist stops is at the local laundry where hundreds of loads of laundry is washed (beaten) by hand, hung out to dry, ironed, returned to the owners in the same day for a pittance. Absolutely fascinating!

86-year old lady weaving sari cloth, as she has for 60 years.

The Pardesi Synagogue , originally built in 1568, is a rarity in this Hindu country. The market area surrounding the synagogue is called Jew town, not a politically acceptable term in our country.

We’re fortunate to have Indian cultural ambassadors onboard to teach us about the traditions and cultural activities we might witness in this visit to India.


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