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Damn Nat

Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024

Papeete, French Polynesia

A tropical depression, now called Cyclone Nat has forced Onward back to Papeete and from here toward New Zealand without stopping at Cook Islands, as planned. We’ve been told that it might be a rough couple of sea days and we are disappointed to miss the Cook Islands. Our friend Joseph Hartman had fond memories of his time in Cook Islands and we had planned to buy him a T-shirt! Oh well, our capitain assures us our safety is the highest priority. Adventures at sea!

Here’s a pop quiz: what’s the difference between a Cyclone in the southern Hemisphere and Hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere?

An ancient Banyan tree that reportedly inspired the movie Avatar.

Breadfruit tree — can feed a family along with fish and coconut. Breadfruit tastes like potato, we’re told.