We like big cats!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Stanley Camp, Okavango Delta, Botswana

Chobe Chilwero, Botswana

Leaving the magical Okavango Delta is tough. It has been a tremendous experience and we have enjoyed everything about it. Of course, the amazing array of African animals that dazzled us, but the service has been warm and professional tinged with a unique African flair. The weather has been ideal, sunny and hot mid-day, very chilly in the morning and cool at night for sleeping. We’ve not had any mosquitos, only some annoying flies.

Yesterday, the two leopards were some of the highlights — the female Saba was stalking an impala. We assume she was ultimately successful in getting her prey. The male, Stan, was mostly lounging. We were fascinated by the way they climb the trees, hang out draped over branches, or use a tree as a lookout vantage point to survey the landscape for possible prey. They’re elegant, supple as they move, look beautiful though they’re quite deadly killing machines.

Last night we had a BBQ and a singing/dancing performance from the staff — very heartfelt and enjoyable.

Today, three short air hops brought us to a wonderful new venue, Chobe Chilwero near the border with Namibia to see more wildlife and different scenery on the Chobe river in the Chobe National Park.

Termite mounds are everywhere — part of the ecosystem.

An extraordinary tracker/guide. “Zero” was fantastic!


Smoke that Thunders


Abundant Animals