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Is AI for the birds?

Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024

Dunedin, New Zealand

We went on a wildlife cruise today, but no photos captured what we experienced on this chilly day. Instead, I thought I’d experiment with AI. Here’s the poem I requested from Copilot, Microsoft’s AI app. What do you think?

Albatrosses are the kings of the sky

They soar above the ocean with grace and pride

They have the largest wingspan of any bird

They can fly for days without a word

Albatrosses mate for life and are very loyal

They return to the same island every year to nest and toil

They greet each other with a dance and a song

They show their affection all day long

Albatrosses are gentle, curious and smart

They can recognize their friends from afar

They sometimes follow ships and play with humans

They are not afraid of strangers or new lands

Albatrosses are amazing creatures that deserve our respect

They face many threats from pollution, fishing and climate change

They need our help to protect their home and their range

They are more than just birds, they are our friends

We were lucky to see their nesting places near Dunedin, NZ

We marveled at their beauty and their ways

We learned a lot from them and their stories

We felt a connection with them and their glories