Photogenic Palau

Friday, March 15, 2024

Koror, Palau

We feel fortunate to be taking this voyage together, and this was another awesome day in the tropical paradise of Palau. It started with a tropical shower and beautiful rainbow at breakfast on the deck while we read notes from friends and family in Colorado dealing with 20” of snow from a Spring storm.

On a boat tour we marveled at the clear waters around the rock islands surrounding the natural inlet, clear enough to see the coral formations. We motored into Cathedral Cave to have a glimpse of the fruit bats that hang out there. We soaked up the warmth and scenery and followed up with a cold beer at a local joint where a bunch of US Navy enlisted sailors were enjoying the start of the weekend with some shots and brews. Its easy to spot American sailors by their haircuts, behavior and the beverages and munchies they were enjoying. GO Navy!


The Philippines


Big Blue Planet