Rejoice for free enterprise

At a time to celebrate Christmas and appreciate our gifts, we thank the Common Sense Institute for producing data-based factual reports give clarity and direction for state policies and laws. Legislators and policy makers can rely on the factual information CSI provides. We enjoyed CSI’s annual luncheon at Empower (Mile High) stadium and were treated to a fireside chat with Guy Benson, a Fox News journalist and good friend. Free enterprise is the greatest development in the modern world, as Guy proclaimed, eradicating poverty, creating wealth and making lives better. Glad tidings!

Football is another gift that lifts our holiday spirits. It was pretty exciting to stand on the Broncos turf, contemplate their rise in the standings, and the unreal possibility of a play-off game. As life-long Bronco fans we are ever hopeful and it seems like a Christmas miracle just might be in store. The team has been surprising us this year with amazing last second wins and there’s an important game on Christmas Eve!

Guy Benson, Fox News Contributor

Broncos are on FIRE!



Christmas Spirit shines


Season of light