Sweet Home Colorado

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Denver, Colorado

It feels so great to be here. Denver looked peaceful and calm when we arrived at 2 am on Monday after too many hours in airplanes and too much time in airport lounges checking the departure boards and nibbling on tasteless snacks. Four of our checked bags made it off the American Airlines flights without a hassle, reentry into the USA and customs was painless and we’re waiting/hoping the four other bags arrive today or tomorrow.

We were disoriented yesterday, but we’re getting back in the grove, scheduling appointments and dinners with friends and plowing though six months of mail. Hubby is back in the condo garden fixing a broken sprinkler — his happy place! The home WIFI reboot is proving to be a challenge — who knew everything from the window shades to the music system is dependent on WIFI! Yikes!

At dinner we noticed our beautiful Rocky Mountain sunset — a little different than some of the drop-dead gorgeous sunsets we enjoyed on the ship! I love em all!

Can you spot us waving farewell among our fellow 2024 World Voyagers?

Luggage outbound in Barcelona.


Reality, Normal, What’s that?


Sail away