Water water everywhere

Monday, January 22, 2024

Sailing in the Pacific

Geez, it is taking five sea days to get from the coast of Peru to get to a tiny island in the South Pacific. Gaze in any direction all you see the the deep blue sea — no sea life on the surface, only some seabirds. I can’t help but marvel at just how damn big the Pacific is…the largest ocean on earth, double the size of the Atlantic, occupies 30% of the earth’s surface and is also the deepest. It contains the highest mountain by far, Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano that is much higher than Everest. Superlatives and facts cannot adequately describe the feeling of insignificance when you take in all the water in every direction.

While we’ve been making good time, according to Captain, when we check our location on the map, our next destination looks like a tiny speck on the enormous ocean. Onboard experts and the Captain explains all things relating to the ocean, weather, sailing conditions, nautical miles traveled, sea creatures and more science than I had in four years of college! All pretty interesting stuff.

Our sea days are jam-packed with activities and every evening entertaining shows keep us from star gazing. Sipping nightcaps and enjoying the show, we ignore the whitecaps and swells causing us to sway and stagger back to our cabins. Bellisimo is an incredible vocal duo performing classical crossover songs belting out all-time favorite opera arias in an hour show. These two beauties have an impressive set of pipes on them! Tonight a touring comedian illusionist, Nathan Cole Marsh promises to make objects disappear while in full view. I’m counting on him making my extra inches vanish!


Rapturous Rapa Nui


Sailing away …