Wombats, Devils & Roos

Sunday, Feb. 25, 2024

Hobart Tasmania, Australia

After a wild ride across the Tasman Sea, we docked in beautiful Hobart, Tasmania bound for a chance to meet a Tasmanian Devil and more animals native to Australia. The Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary is home to rescued marsupial critters that have been injured or orphaned or simply unable to survive on their own in the wild. We fell in love with the adorable, furry, lovable wombats, marveled at Tasmanian Devils, fed lazy kangaroos and chatted with a domesticated Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo named Fred with a big vocabulary.

The host worker can hold, cuddle, play with and receive playful nips from this young wombat. Pretty cute until they’re older and need to be released into the wild.

Tasmanian Devils have almost been wiped out by a deadly disease, but there is hope in a new vaccine that the species can be saved. These joeys were orphaned after their Mum’s illness rendered them nearly blind. The Devil moniker is likely due to their red ears that might appear like horns when they are provoked.

These Roos are very docile, will eat out of your hand and like to be scratched on their chest!

Local ginger beer is strong and delish!


Tasmania cool culture


Rock n roll