Sensational Singapore

Singapore is one of the only places that is a city, state and country and site of the world’s busiest ports. A small island country, it seems idyllic in many ways.

The movie Crazy Rich Asians was not all fiction, as 1 in 6 residents have assets over $1 million. But by the looks of the luxury brand boutiques and the impressive iconic hotels, it is apparent that this is a wealthy country. In addition is is very clean, orderly, green and modern. The population is mostly Chinese; also Malay, Indian and British. It has the second highest population density of any country in the world with hundreds of government-owned, subsidized high rise housing, although there are numerous green and recreational spaces as a result of urban planning. Highly regulated, there are fines for things like chewing gum, connecting to WI-FI without permission, and jay walking. Public toilets are exceptionally clean as they believe toilets are a fundamental human right. ;-)

Singapore's contemporary era began in 1819, when Stamford Raffles established Singapore. He is also famous for invention of the iconic Singapore Sling, served at the lovely British Hotel bearing his name. Random fact: The Long Bar at Raffles Hotel sells 800-1200 Singapore Slings every day. 70% of the total revenue of the bar comes from the Sling, which earns the bar S$15 million in annual sales! We had to make a pilgrimage there and it didn’t disappoint!

During World War II, Singapore was occupied by Japan, returned to British control as a separate Crown colony after WWII, and became an independent sovereign country in 1965. In the early 2000s, Singapore created a vibrant waterfront district an attractive business district and gained status as a truly global city with the spectacular Marina Bay Sands Hotel as the center piece.

Marina Bay Sands is an integrated resort fronting Marina Bay and has become a landmark of the city. Opened in 2010, the resort includes a 2,561-room hotel, convention centre, shopping mall, museum, theatre, restaurants, two floating crystal pavilions, art-science exhibits, and the world's largest atrium casino. The complex includes three towers topped by the Sands Skypark with an infinity swimming pool, set on top of the world's largest public cantilevered platform, which overhangs the north tower by 218 ft. An unforgettable experience, we had very expensive sunset drinks on the rooftop, loved the dazzling skyline the spectacular public laser light shows after dark.

We don’t visit Japan on this voyage, but we got a refreshing Japanese cherry blossom feast for our senses at the Gardens by the Bay Flower pavilion and Cloud Forest. As flower lovers, we were in heaven. The incredible indoor waterfall creates a cloud atmosphere, orchid heaven, a beautiful respite from the outdoor heat and humidity. So many unusual, photogenic plants and flowers and clever wood sculptures appearing amid the natural greenery.


Bay of Bengal


Karma and Coconuts