Cozumel, Mexico

Sunday, January 7

Just off coast of the Yucatán Pennisula, the small island of Cozumel was our first port. Onward graces the quiet harbor and from the dock we get a good close-up of our ship. Bigger than we thought, but still small compared to the behemoths of other cruise lines.

A sampler of the tastes of Cozumel seemed like the best strategy, so we joined a little tour to the Mayan Bee Santuary to taste and appreciate the extraordinary honey made by the stingless Mayan bees. Small, black bees who feast on jungle flowers and make their nests in hollow tree limbs, their product is delicious and loaded with healthy antioxidants, anti-aging and healing properties. We can throw all the medications and potions that filled up suitcases away now!

No trip to Mexico should skip the splendors of locally grown and aged tequila and by sampling we came to appreciate how the precious liquid is made, along with the value of cacao, which has been so valuable to the Mayans for centuries and is the primary ingredient in chocolate.

What better way to enjoy our short visit to Cozumel than with honey, chocolate and tequila! Salud!

The island is surrounded by excellent snorkeling, deep-sea fishing, scuba diving, and aside from the aforementioned products, it is clear that tourism and recovering from hurricanes is the most important activity. The Mayan culture, history and language was a highlight.

An Azamazing Celebration entertained all the guests with Mayan dancing, music and astounding acts coupled with Mexican refreshments.


Puerto Limon, Costa Rica
