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La Bella vita

Worry about the heat was unfounded, the weather has been ideal with bright sunshine and cool breezes. The infinity pool is inviting, unheated, but at the heat of the day, it is so refreshing. The shade is my friend as I read my novels, write my blog and bask on the chaise. The younger guests have been running sprints up the gravel hill flanked by lavender leading to the villa, while I drink espresso and enjoy the sweet melons and croissants. Trying new cuisines, tastes and wines is one of the joys of visiting Italy, or any place for that matter. Umbria is the “green heart of Italy”, where sunflower fields, vineyards and olive groves complete the landscape punctuated with picturesque hilltop towns which always feature a dominate spire or tower of a church or cathedral.

Yesterday Jerry and I drove to Assisi, the hometown of St. Francis. Many tourists and visitors swarmed the narrow streets and we crept through the shopping area, dodging the pedestrians and motorcycles. I appreciated reading about Francis. He gained a huge following and monastic order and along with his disciple Clare, became a Saint, named Italy’s Patron Saint. His lifestyle of poverty and humility, and messages of love, simplicity and environmental sensitivity resonate today. Christianity is founded on these principles.

Here’s some excerpts from St. Francis Canticle of the Sun: Praise for Brother Sun who brings us the day. Sister Moon for the precious stars. Brother Wind for the clouds, rain that sustains us. Brother Fire who cheers us at night. Mother Earth who feeds and rules us. Praise for all who forgive because you have forgiven and our Sister Bodily Death from whom none can escape.

After Assisi we moved on to views of a huge Lago Trasimeno and the town of Castiglione for lunch and gelato on the banks of the lake. It was a sweet little resort village mostly devoid of the crowds occupying the hill towns. Upon our return to the villa, gin and tonics by the pool. Sweet! Dinner prepared by Cynthia the Filipino cook who plans and prepares most of the meals, handles the grocery shopping, brings fresh crossiants and spreads her cheerful morning demeanor. We’ve requested a Filipino dinner one evening as a change of pace from the Italian pasta-based feasts we’ve had each night so far.

We will be exploring the vineyards that surround us and the Torre Bisenzio winery tomorrow. We’ve enjoyed their wines each night so far and are fond of the Ambris Sav Blanc and the Sangiovese, a bold red and a popular grape in Tuscany and Umbria. There’s a nice sparkling rose too. Italian wines are more to our liking than the French wines we were guzzling last week.

I praise my blog coach Chris Clemens for his support and assistance from afar. This is an experiment and failure is providing learning opportunities, but at least I can write my observations and post a chosen photo. The ultimate objective is provide many photos to accompany my writing, but for now you can check out my Facebook posts for more images.