Sunday, June 30, 2024

Denver, Colorado

Overwhelmed. We were blown away by a surprise anniversary party yesterday in Eaton. The Haley’s: brothers Kevin and Kirk, sisters-in-law Shelly and Cindy, and nieces Kathleen, Lauren and Jennie, and hubbies Matt and Skyler organized and produced a perfect back-yard BBQ. Our dear friends Robin & Steve Wise and Nancy & Allen Walters surreptitiously made the scene complete after keeping the secret along with other invited pals who were unable to attend. Our grandnieces were the life of the party and Ruby as the Master of Ceremonies was assisted by Emily, Quinn, Leslie, Sammy and Ally.

There was cake, songs, fancy cards and a world map detailing every port we hit on our world voyage created by Ruby and Kathleen — better than any map or catalogue of the places we’ve been since January. They did a masterful job of keeping track of us — better than we did! What a perfect gift!

We have said that the trip was the best way to celebrate our 50th anniversary and it was the trip of a lifetime, for sure. But the very best gift of all was the love and support of our sweet family and friends for the past decades. Nothing is more precious and we are truly grateful.




Celebrating Gretchen